

Heroes of Integrity

Hello, I’m Barbara, & I’m a Whistleblower

I blew the whistle on my line manager, Caroline Day, who was negligent in safeguarding a vulnerable 16 year old with complex mental health needs in the boarding house, by allowing her to have her medication which she used to overdose.

I have been abused, vilified, defamed, and arrested for false & malicious allegations of stalking [with fear of violence], on the allegation that I reported serious safeguarding negligence to Ofsted!

This blog reveals the TRUTH about the cover up and the abuse.

Keeping Children Safe in Education states:

The Employment Tribunal

Abused Whistleblower

For a quick search for specific days / events try my Timeline or search below


Ripon Grammar School (RGS)

My blog covers the events in 2020, when a vulnerable pupil in the boarding house self-harmed twice.

The following weekend the girl took an overdose of her prescribed medication.


Caroline Day
Caroline Day

Caroline Day, a narcissist, my primary abuser, and compulsive liar. She was told about my protected disclosure by Jonathan Webb and Marita Murray. She then made up stories about me to discredit me to make sure I was sacked.



The hearing bundle and statements. Significant evidence of perjury, perverting the course of justice and falsifying evidence. All documents are already in the public domain. Redactions have been made where possible.

North Yorkshire County Council


North Yorkshire Council is the home to the LADO, the Designated Officer responsible for safeguarding.


I was a member of the NEU who provided a solicitor and barrister for my Employment Tribunal.

Safeguarding Negligence Coverup

Safeguarding Negligence

Jonathan Webb, Headmaster, Caroline Day, Deputy Head [Boarding] Cover up serious safeguarding negligence where a 16yo was allowed to keep her meds, thus enabling her to take an overdose.

All the evidence is presented to back up what I say. Documents, emails, meeting notes, everything that was in the Employment Hearing Tribunal Bundle are in the public domain. Some details have not been redacted as it was the responsibility of the Respondents, or their legal team, to redact confidential information, they did not.

All opinions are my own.