21st September 2020

On Monday 21st September 2020, I discovered that Caroline had NOT taken Lisa’s medication from her when she arrived back to school. Thus enabling her overdose. I woke to a message from Caroline saying she would not be in work the next morning. She said she was too tired. Bundle page 220c / EB 316ContinueContinue reading “21st September 2020”

26th September 2020

On the weekend of Saturday the 26th September 2020 and Sunday the 27th, Caroline bombarded the other senior leaders with emails. About ME! Caroline was off work since Thursday 24th September 2020 [notably the DAY I made the Protected Disclosure to Jonathan], she was isolating with suspected covid. Saturday 26th September 2020 At 11.53 amContinueContinue reading “26th September 2020”

29th September 2020

On Tuesday 29th September 2020 I had an ‘Investigatory’ meeting with Jonathan. This was regarding the alleged comment to Lisa and the sanction I had given to the badly behaved girls. Caroline had apparently, without talking to me, gone straight to Jonathan to report things she thought I had done wrong. Lets not forget thisContinueContinue reading “29th September 2020”

16th October 2020

On the 16th October 2020 Elizabeth wrote to me stating that an investigation in the allegations I had made had started. It appeared I was not going to get any support from the school welfare officer, Helen. And still concerned why my email account had been disabled, I wrote to Elizabeth. I told her thatContinueContinue reading “16th October 2020”

21st October 2020

On 21st October 2020, the day after my LADO interview, Marita interviewed Sarah Williams about ME! When Sarah told me she was going in to see Marita I was still hopeful that the truth about what Caroline had done would come out. After all, if Marita was investigating my concerns, then surely she would askContinueContinue reading “21st October 2020”

13th November 2020

On the 13th November 2020 I emailed Elizabeth trying to find out if an investigation was in fact being carried out. Elizabeth had said on the 2nd November that the investigation would be concluded that week. Elizabeth replied on the 14th and the 17th saying that the investigation was still ongoing and Susan Crawford hadContinueContinue reading “13th November 2020”

17th November 2020

On the 17th November 2020, I found Andy Hogg, the premises manager, trying to look through my fencing into my garden. I was not happy about this, and I wrote to Pat Hargreaves, Jonathans PA. Why suddenly after 7 months of living there, and several requests for a mail box, were they delivering my letters?ContinueContinue reading “17th November 2020”

19th December 2020

On the 19th December 2020, PC from Harrogate Police Station rang my doorbell. He told me that Caroline Day had made allegations against me of harassment. These were the allegations. Apparently it all started the day after I was sacked. I really think they thought I was going to leave the day I was dismissed.ContinueContinue reading “19th December 2020”

10th December 2021

The date and time for the exchange of witness statements was set for 10th December 2021 at 1600hrs. The tribunal date was set for 4 days from the 25th January 2022 at Leeds Employment Tribunal. The statements from witnesses must be exchanged prior to the hearing. It is the responsibility of the Respondent’s solicitors toContinueContinue reading “10th December 2021”

4th April 2022

The first day of the tribunal hearing was on the 4th April 2022. It was heard by Judge Susan Cox, with 2 panel members, Mr Q Shah and Mr K Smith. There were no reporters present. There was no one taking notes or records of the hearing. Jonathan, Caroline and Elizabeth were present each day.ContinueContinue reading “4th April 2022”

6th April 2022

The third day of the Tribunal Hearing was Wednesday 6th April 2022. I had no idea what would happen after the way things were left the night before. Maria was at the tribunal early, I tried to speak to her whenI arrived but she was working on something, so I didn’t interrupt. Eventually she toldContinueContinue reading “6th April 2022”

7th April 2022

The final day of the Tribunal Hearing was Thursday 7th April 2022. Caroline was back in the witness chair. Day Four Resuming her testimony the next morning Caroline continued her lies. She said she told me about Lisa’s first self-harm the following morning. Her word against mine. However she said that she ‘assumed’ I wouldContinueContinue reading “7th April 2022”

8th June 2022

On the 8th June 2022, I received an email from the CYPS data protection officer with details of my Subject Access Request regarding Caroline’s LADO referral. The form they sent was completely different from the one provided by the school as evidence in the bundle, which it now appears was falsified. To recap quickly. DaysContinueContinue reading “8th June 2022”

14th June 2022

On the 14th June 2022 the Mail Online, published an article about me based on the Judges ‘reasons’. There were NO reporters at the hearing. It was then copied by the Stray Ferret, The Yorkshire Post, The York Press, and various others even a French paper. What was published was not an accurate report ofContinueContinue reading “14th June 2022”

24th October 2022

On the 24th October 2022 North Yorkshire Council sent me a letter threatening to sue me unless I take this blog down. They are telling me to take down this blog under “Regulation 19 of the E-Commerce Regulations”. The letter says this is because there are defamatory statement(s) that are; “false and likely to causeContinueContinue reading “24th October 2022”

19th December 2022

Sarah Williams rang me on the 19th December 2022 to tell me that Jonathan appears to be stalking me. He is asking staff questions about me and where I am living. This is intimidating and threatening behaviour to both her and me. This is a criminal offence. It is absolutely not right for a HeadContinueContinue reading “19th December 2022”

25th February 2023

On the 25th February 2023 I was arrested, by North Yorkshire Police, in my home, for false and malicious allegations of stalking made by Caroline Day. I was taken to Harrogate Police Station. In a cell in the back of a van, and kept in custody for over 12 hours. Meanwhile 2 officers searched myContinueContinue reading “25th February 2023”

18th April 2024

On 18th April 2024, I discovered exactly how far Jonathan and Caroline are prepared to go to cover their lies. And its more LIES! I received a SAR containing several revealing documents. These documents, although heavily redacted, show Caroline and Jonathan lying yet again. And yet again trying to discredit me. Firstly, they say repeatedlyContinueContinue reading “18th April 2024”